Final Thoughts

The experience I had in this class was unforgettable. I have never drawn so much in a semester my entire life. I understand that this class was required and such, but the works were overwhelming. I can't remember the last time I had a free weekend, but that's not just Drawing I, it's classes overall. Now, for Drawing I, I thought the class was fun. My classmates were definitely interesting and class wasn't completely dull. I came from 3 AP Art classes in high school with knowledge pertaining to what we have discussed. It's great to do things over again because I have improved so much. The teacher was great as well. She was very nice but often overloaded us with work and have it due in so little time. I guess that's something to expect in college. Some of my classmates thought similarly in terms of work load. Managing time isn't a huge factor in this, because I spend hours doing work anyway for different classes. No matter how I manage my time, I will end up doing more school work than I will going to sleep. Of course, I'm not just picking out Drawing I, this again relates to all of my classes. Overall, the class wasn't bad and I felt that I have improved drastically. I look forward to Drawing II and I'm ready I use the skills that I learned and enhanced to tackle challenges that will be presented to me in the future.

Teacher - 5/5 (Nice Teacher, always trying to shape us into better students)
Classmates - 4/5 (They're so quiet, I can't blame them though.. I'm quiet as well)
Critiques - 4/5 (Sometimes, it can be quiet - but it's our fault)

1 comment:

Cat Normoyle said...

Thanks for your sincere and thoughtful response. You have improved a great deal over the semester and it's been wonderful to be a part of your academic growth. Catch up some sleep over break and I look forward to seeing you next semester. You worked very hard in drawing and it showed!