M.C. Escher - Perspective Drawing

     M. C. Escher was born on June 17, 1898. His major works like one pictured below has a use of perspectives, illusions and surrealism. "Escher focused on reflection, balance, and impossible spaces, but hidden within his work are the elements of mathematics, measurement, and architecture." By doing so, he proceeded by doing very clean perspective works that appears to be complicated. His artworks were loved by mathematicians, psychologists and the general public simply because of the illusion and use of perspectives. Three-point perspective was used to render this piece created by M.C. Escher entitled "Ascending and Descending" completed in 1960.
M.C Escher - "Ascending and Descending"

Sources: http://www.pitsco.com/

1 comment:

Cat Normoyle said...

Love his work. Thanks for sharing this example as it is right up the alley of what we are trying to do in class.